Friday, January 29, 2010

Belhaven Scottish ale

So I am officially hooked on great craft beer. The beer that I about to embark on is Belhaven's Scottish ale. When I poured it it is a nice amber color, there was a about a finger width head on it, but that has since disappeared in about the last minute. The aroma is a strong malt smell. It seems pretty lite mouth feel. Definitely malty on the taste bill. But a bit bitter on the way down. This beer only reigns in at 5.2 ABV so it could be a beer for a nice hot summer afternoon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So this is nothing to fancy, I just want to start keep track of the beers that I have had, and write down notes about them. After all since I love beer, and want to start making beer for other people, I should know beer.
The first beer that I am going to comment on is Stone's IPA. This beer pours a cloudy oranginsh. The hop aroma that hits you right after you pour it is great. Very floral, and lots of citrus, what you would expect from a dry hopped brew. The head on it was about 1 finger or so. Left lacing on the glass as I drank it. Drinking it, man this is a tasty one. There is a greapfruit, citrus flavor to it. I don't think that it is to bitter but that's how I like my IPA. The taste does seem to linger in my mouth for a bit, but its a nice hop taste, you know, that hop bitter? The mouth feel is nice as well, it's there but not overwhelming.
So, this is my first entry, hopefully they will get better as I go along. Cheers and happy beer drinking.