Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Expressive Typography

I choose James Bond because he is just awesome. I was dinking around on the file for a while in Photoshop but am not the best with that program and could not get it to do what I wanted so I just left it plain like this. I did how ever download a font that is actually called 007goldenEye which I was pretty proud of myself for that. And check it out, I actually used HTML to edit my blog....HMMM maybe I learning something cool in school.

The reason I made this one so plain is that When Tom Hanks says "Houston, we have a problem" he is very blah about it. There is no expression in his voice.

This is one of my all time favorite movie quotes. The doc has such excitement in his voice when he says "1.21 gigawatts" the first time and also when he says "great scott".

So I am really new at Expressive Typography. I did give it a shot, these are not the best in the world but is a starting point.

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